Entropic entanglement criteria for fermion systems

  • Claudia Zander


Entanglement criteria for general (pure�or mixed) states of systems consisting of N identical fermions are introduced. These criteria are�based on appropriate inequalities involving the entropy of the global density matrix describing�the total system and the entropy of the one-particle, reduced density matrix.
How to Cite
Zander, C. (2013). Entropic entanglement criteria for fermion systems. Suid-Afrikaans Tydskrif Vir Natuurwetenskap En Tegnologie / <i>South African Journal of Science and Technology</I&gt;, 32(1), 1 bladsy. https://doi.org/10.4102/satnt.v32i1.426
Conference Abstract: Studentesimposium in die Natuurwetenskappe 2011