Onderwysers se beskouing oor voedingonderrig van leerders se invloed op hul voedinggedrag: ’n Kwalitatiewe studie [Teachers’ perspectives of school nutrition education on learners’ nutrition behaviours: A qualitative study]M.D. Kupolati, U. MacIntyre, G. Gericke Antioksidantaktiwiteit en polifenoliese inhoud van ’n kommersiële ‘antidiabetiese’ teemengsel [The antioxidant potential and polyphenolic content of a commercial ‘antidiabetic’ tea mixture] V. Paddy, J.J. van Tonder, V. Steenkamp In vitro effek van ESE-15-OL in kombinasie met deferoksamien op selgroei, selmorfologie, mitochondriale depolarisasie en die uitdrukking van angiogeniese faktore in borskankerselle [In vitro effects ESE-15-OL in combination with deferoxamine on cell growth, cell morphology, mitochondrial membrane depolarization and the expression of angiogenic factors in breast cancer cells] N. Kapp, B.A. Stander, A.J. Joubert Antimitotieses sulfamaat estradiol analoog induseer apoptose en verander geenekspressie in ’n trippel negatiewe borskankersellyn [Antimitotic sulphamoylated estradiol derivative induces apoptosis and alters gene expression in a triple negative breast adenocarcinoma cell line] M.H. Visagie, T.V. Mqoco, B.A. Stander, L.M. Birkoltz, A.M. Joubert Vroeë- en laat seldood eienskappe geïnduseer deur antikanker estradiol analoë in vitro [Early and late cell death characteristics induced by novel anticancer estradiol analogues in vitro] E.M. Nolte, T. Mqoco, A.M. Joubert, A.E. Theron In vitro modulasie van osteoklastvorming en beenresorpsie deur poli-onversadigde vetsure gekombineer met soja fito-estrogene in RAW 264.7 muismonosiete [In vitro modulation of osteoclast formation and bone resorption by polyunsaturated fatty acids in combination with soya phytoestrogens in RAW 264.7 murine monocytes] S. Marais, A. Kasonga, M.C. Kruger, M. Coetzee In vitro effekte van aragidoonsuur en dokosaheksaënoësuur op osteoklastogenese en beenresorpsie in mens CD14+ monosiete [In vitro effects of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in human CD14+ monocytes] A. Kasonga, M.C. Kruger, M. Coetzee Die spinnekop tipe-eksemplare in die Nasionale Versameling van Arachnida [The spider type specimens deposited in the National Collection of Arachnida] P. Marais, A.S. Dippenaar-Schoeman, R. Lyle, C. Anderson, S. Mathebula Die in vitro en ex vivo effek van ’n belowende estrogeenanaloog op selmorfologie en reaktiewe suurstof spesie generasie [In vitro and ex vivo influence of a promising anticancer estrogen analogue on cell morphology and reactive oxygen species generation] L. Repsold, E. Pretorius, A.M. Joubert Spesies vir Afrika: ’n Ryk biodiversiteit van insekte en spinnekoppe uit slegs een lokval in ’n stadsgebied in Pretoria [Species for Africa: A rich biodiversity of insects and spiders collected from one trap in an urban area in Pretoria] J.A. Kelly, S. Mathebula, A.S. Dippenaar-Schoeman Hepatotoksiese potensiaal van Acokanthera oppositifolia en Boophane disticha [Hepatotoxic properties of Acokanthera oppositifolia and Boophane disticha] H. Parkar, W. Cordier, V. Steenkamp Die rol van Namib woestyninsekte en hulle simbiotiese mikrobiota in die grond koolstof-siklus [The role of Namib desert insects and their symbiotic microbiota in the soil carbon cycle] P.Z.N. Franzini, S. Ronca, J. Ramond, D.A. Cowan Gevalle verslag: Ongewone skedel chirurgiese trauma [Case report: Unusual cranial surgical trauma] M. Steyn, H.H. de Boer, A.E. van der Merwe ’n Moontlike geval van trepanasie van Dambarare, ’n 17de eeu Afro-Portugese grondwerke terrein in Noord-Zimbabwe [A possible case of Trephination from Dambarare, a 17th century African-Portuguese earthworks site in Northern Zimbabwe] E. Swanepoel, M. Steyn Outofagie induksie via ’n estradiolanaloog in bors adenokarsinoom selle [Autophagy induction of an estradiol analog in breast adenocarcinoma cells] D.S. Nkandeu, M.J. Cronjé, A.M. Joubert Skepping van ’n arteriële verwysingsdatastel in ’n Suid-Afrikaanse kadawerpopulasie – ’n Voorlopige verslag [Creation of an arterial reference data set in a South African cadaver population – A preliminary report] M. Schoeman, A. van Schoor, P. du Toit Die belangrikheid van liggaamskomposisie, fiksheid en visuele vaardighede in die evaluasie van swemmers [The importance of body composition, fitness and visual skills index in the evaluation of swimmers] J. Hudson, J. Lawson, P.J. du Toit, E. Nortje, M. Kleynhans Die effek van sport spesifieke oefeninge op die visuele vaardighede van rugby spelers [The effect of sport specific exercises on the visual skills of rugby players] S. Raman, P.J. du Toit, E. Nortje, M. Kleynhans Die effek van ’n af-pre-seisoen kondisioneringsprogram op jong manlike rugby spelers [The effect of a pre-off-season conditioning programme] D. van Coller, P.J. du Toit, E. Nortje, M. Kleynhans