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Correspondence to:
Erna Bruwer

Postal address:
Private Bag X11, Arcadia 0007, South Africa

How to cite this article:
‘Plakkate aangebied by die Skool vir Omgewingswetenskappe en Ontwikkeling, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus, Suid-Afika op 05 Oktober 2012’, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 33(1), Art. #1283, 2 pages.

This is an index of the posters presented at the School of Environmental Sciences and Development of the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa on 05 October 2012.

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Plakkate aangebied by die Skool vir Omgewingswetenskappe en Ontwikkeling, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus, Suid-Afika op 05 Oktober 2012
In This Indeks...
Open Access
’n Tegniek om nematode uit geelwortels te onttrek [A technique to extract nematodes from yellow carrots]

M. Marais, A. Shubane

Die Nasionale Versameling van Arachnida: Huidige status [The National Collection of Arachnida: Present status]

P. Marais, A. Dippenaar-Schoeman, C. Anderson, S. Mathebula, R. Lyle,

In vitro-effekte van aragidoonsuur, genistein en daidzein op selproliferasie en biologiese aktiwiteit in RAW 264.7-muismonosiete [In vitro effects of arachidonic acid, genistein and daidzein on cell proliferation and activity in murine osteoblasts and osteoclast progenitors]

C.L. de Jager, N. Shepherd, A.E. Kasonga, M.C. Kruger, M. Coetzee

Morfologiese kenmenrke van outofagie en apotose geïnduseer deur ’n nuwe 2-metoksiëstrastradiol analoog in HeLa-selle [Morphological characteristics of autophagic and apototic cell death processes induced by a novel 2 methoxyestradiol analoque in cervical adenocarcinoma cells]

A.E. Theron, R. Prudent, L. Lafanechère, A.N. Hall, C.F. van der Merwe, M.A. Crafford, A.M. Joubert

Die verhouding tussen uitbranding, werkbevrediging, sosiale ondersteuning en bewustheid [The relationship between, burnout, work satisfactions, social support and consciousness]

H.C. Terblanche, N. Coetzee, K.L. Hussain Abdool, E. Henning, M. Kleynhans, D. Crafford, C. Van Wyk, P.J. du Toit

In vitro-aksiemeganisme van 2-etiel-3-O-gesulfamoïleerde-estra-1,3,5(10)16-tetraeen in menslike servikale karsinoom epiteelselle [In vitro action mechanism of 2-ethyl-3-O-sulphamoyl-estra-1,3,5(10)16-tetraene in human epithelial cervical carcinoma]

L.S. Grant, A.M. Joubert

Die in vitro- en in vivo-effek van ’n 2-metoksiëstradiolanaloog op selmorfologie en reaktiewe suurstof spesie generasie [In vitro and in vivo influence of a 2-methoxyestradiol analogue on cell morphology and reactive oxygen species generation]

L. Repsold, E. Pretorius, A.M. Joubert

Oksidasie inhibeer yster-geïnduseerde bloedstolling [Oxidation inhibits iron-induced blood coagulation]

N. Vermeulen, E. Pretorius, J. Bester, B. Lipinski

Sulfamaat-estradiolanaloog induseer antiproliferatiewe aktiwiteit en apoptosis in borssellyne [Sulphamoylated estradiol analogue induces antiproliferative activity and apoptosis in breast cell lines]

T.V. Mqoco, M.H. Visagie, A.M. Joubert

Temperament en testosteroonvlakke by volwassenes in kontaksport [Temperament and testosterone levels in adults participating in contact sports]

G. Kalmeier, C. Govender, P. Soma

Die effek van sportvisie-oefeninge op die visuele vaardighede van universiteitstudent [The effect of sports vision exercises on the visual skills of university students]

J. Armstrong, A.F. Mahomed, E. Henning, M. Kleynhans, H.C. Terblanche, D. Crafford, N. Coetzee, P.S. Wood, C.C. Grant, P.J. du Toit

Die belangrikheid van fisiese- en motorvaardigheidtoetsing in die evaluasie van manlik rugbyspelers [The importance of physical and motor skills testing in the evaluation of male rugby players]

J. Malyon, S. Gray, E. Henning, M. Kleynhans, H.C. Terblanche, D. Crafford, C. Grobbelaar, P.S. Wood, C.C. Grant, D.C. Janse van Rensburg, P.E. Kruge, P.J. du Toit

Visuele vaardigheidsprestasie van universiteitstudente [Visual performance of university students]

M. Kleynhans, D. Crafford, E. Henning, H. Terblanche, N. Coetzee, P. du Toit

Antihipertensiewe eienskappe van Terminalia sericea (TS), Sutherlandia frutescens (SF), Hypoxis hemerocallidea (HH), Sclerocarya birrea (SB) en Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS) [Antihypertensive properties of Terminalia sericea (TS), Sutherlandia frutescens (SF), Hypoxis hemerocallidea (HH), Sclerocarya birrea (SB) and Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS)]

S.F. Lukhele, C.W. Grobbelaar, W. Cordier

Seisoenale blaaroppervlak van plantegroei-eenhede van die Welgegund Inland Atmospheric Monitoring Station [Seasonal leaf area of vegetation units at the Welgegund Inland Atmospheric Monitoring Station]

P. Brak, J. du Plessis, B. van den Berg, S.J. Siebert, P. Beukes, P. van Zyl, L. Laakso

Akkumulering van nikkel deur Berkheya- en Senecio-spesies [Accumulation of nickel by Berkeya en Senecio species]

B. Hurter, R. van Dyk, S.J. Siebert, M. Coetsee, N. Rajakaruna

Seisoenale biomassa van plantegroei-eenhede van die Welgegund Inland Atmospheric Monitoring Station [Seasonal biomass of vegetation units at the Welgegund Inland Atmospheric Monitoring Station]

M. Agenbag, M. Kruger, Z. Liebenberg, E. Pearton, S.J. Siebert, P. Beukes, P. Van Zyl, L. Laakso

’n Vergelykende studie van die stuifmeelmorfologie van Prototulbaghia Vosa met ander genera in die Alliaceae [A comparative study of the pollen morphology of Prototulbaghia Vosa and other genera in the Alliaceae]

M. Andriessen, M. Struwig, S.J. Siebert

Sambreel in die oog van ’n padda: Eligium-morfologie [Naming an umbrella: Morphology of the elygium]

D.J.D. Kruge, C. Weldon, L.H. du Preez

Skoenlapper- en plantdiversiteit in gefragmenteerde munisipale groengebiede in Potchefstroom [Butterfly and plant diversity in fragmented municipal green areas in Potchefstroom]

J. Glatz, R.F. Terblanche, S.S.Cilliers

Grondalge en sianobakterieë wat op goudslik groei? [Soil algae and cyanobacteria that grows on Goldmine Tailings Material?]

T. Orlekowsky, A. Levanets, A. Venter, S.J. van Wyk

’n Ekofisiologiese studie oor die effekte van verhoogde osoonvlakke op peulplante van verskillende toleransies in open-top-groeikamers [An ecophysiological study on the effect of high ozone levels on legumes of different tolerancies in open-top growth chambers]

H. Smuts, M. de Beer-Venter, G.H.J. Krüger

Saadhuidstruktuur en moontlike weerstandbiedendheid van Suid-Afrikaanse grondboonkultivars- en variëteite teen Aspergillus spesie [Seed testa structure of South African peanut varieties and its possible resistance to Aspergillus species]

G. Muller, I. Muller, N. Combrink, A. Jordaan

Evaluasie van koolstof-gekeleerde voedingselemente op die fotosintetiese vermoë van tamaties [Evaluation of carbon chetaled nutrients on the photosynthetic capability of plants]

H.B. Odendaal, A. Visser, J.M. Berner

Die gebruik van chlorofil a fluoressensie om die effek van Exserohilum turcicum op mielies te kwantifiseer [The use of chlorophyll a fluorescence to quantify the effects of Exserohilum turcicum on maize]

K. Smith, J.M. Berner, M. Craven

Die invloed van kouestres op die fotosintetiese vermoëns van verskillende sojaboonkultivars [The influence of chilling stress on the photosynthetic capability of different soja cultivars]

W. Benadie, R.J. Kleynhans, J.M. Berner, M. de Beer-Venter

Alggenus-samestelling in die Vaalrivier by die inlaat van Midvaal-Watermaatskappy [Algal genera composition in the Vaal River at the intake of the MidVaal Water Company]

L. Hanekom, S. Barnard

Die effek van verhoogde osoonvlakke op waterstofperoksiedvlakke, superoksieddismutase-aktiwiteit en lipiedperoksidering in groenbone (Phaseolus vulgaris) [The effects of ozone on hydrogen peroxide, superoxide dismutase activity and lipid peroxidation in green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)]

R.J. Landsberg, O. Pasch, J.M. Berner

Evaluering van die kieming en vestiging van drie geselekteerde omhulde grasspesies in drie grondtipes vir rehabilitasie [Germination and establishment of three coated grass species in three soil mediums]

L. van Rooyen, J.P. Nortje, A. de Meyer, K. Kellner, A. Jordaan

Spesie- en funksionele diversiteit van grasveldfragmente in die Potchefstroomomgewing [Species- and functional diversity of fragmented grasslands in the Potchefstroom area]

C. Jacobs, J. James, H. Jordaan, E. Huyser, S.S. Cilliers, L. van der Walt

Die effek van herbivorie, vuur en vroeë seisoen-reënval op kruidagtige diversiteitspatrone in Mopanieveld [Effects of herbivory, fire and early-season rainfall on herbaceous species diversity in Mopaneveld]

N. van Staden, F. Siebert

Die verandering van meerjarigheid, weidingswaarde en ekologiese status van grasse oor verskillende versteuringsgradiënte by die Nkuhlu-uitsluitpersele, Kruger Nasionale Park [Changing multiannual, grazing value and ecological status of grasses of different disturbance gradients at Nkuhlu exclusive sites, Kruger National Park]

D. Reynolds, F. van Zyl, M. du Preez, F. Siebert

Pyp of kanaal? Die verskil in algkonsentrasie en -samestelling tussen twee watervoorsieningsmetodes by die Zuikerbosch-watersuiweringsaanleg [Pipe or canal? The difference in algal concentration and composition between two water supply methods at the Zuikerbosch water purification plant]

Harvey, S. Janse van Vuuren, A. Swanepoel

Die effek van waterstres op die fotosintetiese vermoë van twee Zea mays kultivars [Water stress leads to a reduced photosynthetic capacity, of two Zea mays cultivars]

Q. Robbetze, J.M. Berner, B. Janse van Rensburg

Fenotipe: Kleure en patrone in Cacosternum boettgeri [Phenotype: Investigating colors and patterns in Cacosternum boettgeri]

M. Badets, C. Costa, C. Angelini, L.H. du Preez