About the Author(s)
J.M. Maritz
Department of Physics, University of the Free State, South Africa
P.J. Meintjes
Department of Physics, University of the Free State, South Africa
How to cite this abstract: Maritz, J.M. & Meintjes, P.J., 2016, ‘Pulsare as wispelturige tydhouers’, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 35(1), a1408. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/satnt.v35i1.1408
Note: A selection of conference proceedings: Student Symposium in Science, 29–30 October 2015, University of the Free State, South Africa. Organising committee: Mr Rudi Pretorius and Ms Andrea Lombard (Department of Geography, University of South Africa); Dr Hertzog Bisset (South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA); Dr Ernie Langner and Prof Jeanet Conradie (Department of Chemistry, University of the Free State).